Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My Best Holiday

We just passed my favorite holiday – Ground Hog Day. To me it ranks up there with Christmas, the Fourth of July, New Years Day, Thanksgiving and all the rest of them. Ground Hog Day is special. It’s a no pressure, no stress holiday. There are no presents to buy, no huge meals to prepare, overeating is optional, no stress in making resolutions I know I’ll break before the month is out, no relatives I feel an obligation to entertain. The only anxiety in the day is wondering if the rodent will see his shadow and either way it doesn’t matter. I live in Minnesota. We could tarp the ground hog’s hole to keep it dark or flood it with sun lamps. It’s going to be winter for at least six weeks no matter what we, or the weather, do.

The point is, I’ve found Ground Hog Day to be the perfect holiday because the activity options are wide open. Sleep in or get up early, have friends and relatives over or don’t, the type and quantity of meals is open and if you want to shop, no store is going to be crowded because of the holiday. It’s a guilt free, anti-stress holiday. I love it.


Kelly Jean said...

Uncle Mike, I love your blog! So clever and creative. And I agree with you about Ground Hog's Day...(did you read my dad's blog? Which IS the correct way??) ... It's my mom's favorite holiday too. We celebrated with ground hog shaped brownies.

Kelly Jean said...

PS - paps's blog (just in case you DON'T have it...I think you do though...) is:

... like brother, like brother. :D

Steph H said...

I love it, Uncle Mike. So true! The perfect holiday!!

Clay Brown said...

I think they're being nice to you because they want some of your fam's famous bratwursts when you visit this summer. That's what I think. Plus, it's Ground Hog's Day. Give the poor rodent some possession. 'Course I could be wrong on both counts, but that's my story and I'm sticking with it.

Natalie said...

YES! Thank you for verbalizing what we've all been thinking! The best, yet overlooked holiday! And opposite of its neighboring Valentine's with all sorts of expectations!