Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another Thing To Smile About

Pat put tooth past on my store list. The old tube was running low and we like to stay ahead of some things. Deodorant, soap – laundry, dish, hand and bar- and tooth paste are somewhere near the top. I stopped at the dental aisle and found the section that has our regular tooth paste. There are different kinds in the brand. They have extra whitening, one with mouth wash in the mix, cavity fighting and a couple of others but today I noticed a new one. The box had it in capital letters, so I’ll put them here: AGE DEFYING. I have no idea what that means. The box has picture panels that show teeth going from grungy to sparkly white but so do the others . Tooth paste is supposed to be good for you as long as you spit it out at the end. It’s kind of like hygienic wine tasting though I doubt you could ever get people over for a tooth pasting party. And then there would be the problem of what kind of cheese and crackers to serve with it. I’d be a little suspicious of someone who recommended rye crackers and brie with the extra whitening. It doesn’t sound right.

I asked a clerk who happened by the aisle what AGE DEFYING meant. She wasn’t sure and suggested I read the box. I did. It didn’t help much. The best I could understand was that it would firm teeth up and take away wrinkles. It also tastes better than facial creams that say they do the same thing. You wind up spitting both of them out but you could take a little longer with the tooth paste.

I bought a tube just to hedge my bets. The firming quality may help if I ever develop a droopy overbite and this looks to be the best way to delay those telling tooth wrinkles. Now if I could just find the right cheese and cracker combination . . .

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