Friday, July 11, 2008

A Country Road Taking Me Home

There’s a dairy company here that puts pictures on the sides of their trucks, the big 18-wheelers that deliver to the larger supermarkets. You can see them on the roadways but I found one in a supermarket parking lot. I think they’re trying to put across the idea their milk and dairy products are fresh and closely connected to the land. The pictures are farm scenes.

The one I saw has a farmstead with a white house, red barn, fencing and a country lane that reminded me of a farm near where I grew up. It was enough to make me nostalgic, thinking about my youth and driving along that lane and thinking about what might be around the curve. I used to floor the gas pedal and barrel past the house. At 60 mph the car would skid a bit on the road but stay clear of the ditch. At 70 things got a little dicier and for a moment I could feel the engine rev up and road gravel under my wheels.

I managed to pull myself back to the present and stop the car before I hit the side of the truck. I want to pause here and thank Land of Lakes, Inc. Their marketing program took me back to my youth for a few moments and almost got me to where my ancestors live full time. Thanks again.

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