Monday, November 10, 2008

But Does It Have A Second Rinse?

There was a commercial on TV this morning from an appliance manufacturer who wanted to show how tough their washing machines were. They lined up two rows of washers, put up some ramps and ran a pick-up truck over the top of them. I’m not sure what this has to do with the clothes washing capabilities of the machines but none of them buckled or bent. They are tough washing machines, the kind someone would buy when they are looking for something special to run a pick-up over. There’s no need to go out in the woods to find tree stumps or fallen logs to blast over. We don’t have to search city streets for the perfect pot hole to give us bounce in our drive, we can just line up washing machines, grab a couple of ramps and have at in the back yard. Excitement and thrills without having to leave home. I started thinking of the possibilities and wondering how the washers would hold up to an overloaded minivan when I noticed the tag line scrolling across the bottom of the TV screen, “Do Not Attempt At Home.” Darn.

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